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  • Poverty Alleviation

USA Today Op-Ed Highlights Philanthropic Efforts to Combat Homelessness   

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Donor Intent

Donor Intent Watch: Art Sale Controversy and Revisiting Race-Conscious Scholarships   

by Joanne Florino
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  • Strong Communities

Tertulia Americana: Cultivating Goodwill through Artful Gatherings  

by Kathryn Hougham
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  • America's Founding Principles

Sumners Foundation: Strengthening Liberty and Citizenship through Civics Education  

by Clarice Smith
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  • Donor Intent

Donor Intent Watch: How to Establish Powerful Board Policies and Practices to Protect Donor Intent 

by Joanne Florino
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  • Donor Intent

Sunsetting in West Michigan: Celebrating the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation

by Joanne Florino
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  • Strong Communities

Q&A: ‘UNDIVIDE US’ Film is Breaking Down Barriers for Civil Conversation 

by David Bass
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  • Free to Give

No One Left Behind: Keeping America’s Promises to Our Allies 

by Patterson Sheehan
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  • Family & Faith Institutions

How Houses of Worship Could Play a Greater Role Improving America’s Mental Health Epidemic 

by Esther Larson
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  • Donor Intent

Donor Intent Watch: New Controversies, Court Updates and Religious Freedom Issues 

by Joanne Florino
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  • Higher Ed

To Reform Higher Education, Consider Funding Academic Centers 

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • America's Founding Principles

A Veteran’s Perspective: How to Honor America’s Fallen Heroes this Memorial Day

by Kara Hirschfeld