Strong Communities

Our Work

Our team fosters meaningful relationships among donors who are interested in advancing liberty, opportunity and personal responsibility by strengthening local communities. We offer strategic advising and opportunities to collaborate with influential peers that help our most generous donors achieve their philanthropic goals and advance their values through effective charitable giving. Our focus areas include: Poverty Alleviation, Health & Mental Health, and Faith & Family Institutions.

  • Family & Faith Institutions

    Faith and family are vital building blocks for a strong community that supports vulnerable populations. We help donors find the best organizations strengthening their communities.
  • Health & Mental Health

    Health problems, including mental illness and addiction, lead to the breakdown of families and communities. We assist donors who want to support programs that provide care to those in need.
  • Poverty Alleviation

    Many common approaches to alleviating poverty fail because they don’t address root causes. We work with donors who seek new and innovative approaches to help people improve their lives and become self-sufficient.


    • Blog
    • Poverty Alleviation
    • July 23, 2024

    USA Today Op-Ed Highlights Philanthropic Efforts to Combat Homelessness   

    by Philanthropy Roundtable
    • Blog
    • Strong Communities
    • July 17, 2024

    Tertulia Americana: Cultivating Goodwill through Artful Gatherings  

    by Kathryn Hougham
    • Blog
    • Strong Communities
    • June 13, 2024

    Q&A: ‘UNDIVIDE US’ Film is Breaking Down Barriers for Civil Conversation 

    by David Bass
    • Blog
    • Family & Faith Institutions
    • June 4, 2024

    How Houses of Worship Could Play a Greater Role Improving America’s Mental Health Epidemic 

    by Esther Larson
    • Blog
    • Strong Communities
    • April 17, 2024

    Uniting Through Volunteerism: National Volunteer Month Q&A with Besa

    by Esther Larson
  • Strong Communities

    View More


The Opportunity Playbook helps connect foundations and individual donors with high-impact organizations that promote economic opportunity and advance economic mobility among individuals and families across the country.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our Strong Communities program, please reach out to Esther Larson.

Contact Esther Larson