Spring 2016 – President’s Note

Inviting Your Response

My thanks to the many members and friends of The Philanthropy Roundtable who have taken time to send reactions to our new Almanac of American Philanthropy.

To encourage all of you to crack open your volumes and make the Almanac a hardworking part of your daily philanthropic decision-making, you’ll find some excerpts below from the surge of responses some of your peers sent in during the first few weeks of the book’s availability.

The Almanac is the handiwork of the Roundtable’s Karl Zinsmeister. A masterful storyteller, Karl has been giving lively and entertaining talks around the country about the indispensable role of philanthropy in fueling American success. If you would like to host Karl as a speaker in your community, please contact [email protected].

And if you have suggestions, encouragement, or criticisms for the book itself,  please e-mail that same address, or let me know directly. The Almanac was created to be a helpful practical guide, so we will listen carefully to your feedback. Our goal is to keep this work up-to-date and relevant as a valuable resource for generous givers for years to come.

Adam Meyerson, President The Philanthropy Roundtable


The Almanac of American Philanthropy is something new under the sun: a sweeping reference guide to one of the most remarkable institutions of American life.  
—Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

An epic and important book that anchors us in the reality of America’s philanthropic history, values, and impact. I am amazed, overjoyed, intrigued, and inspired by this work!  
—Tom Tierney, Bridgespan Group 

I started browsing through it and couldn’t put it down.  
—Carol Adelman, Index of Global Philanthropy

I find it really interesting and easy to read…. Indeed, a “lively compendium.”  
—Ray Chambers, Malaria No More

I had no intention of reading the Almanac…. As I began to thumb through the pages I found one excitement after another and was not prepared for how readable the Almanac is. In fact, under separate cover I am ordering two copies for my daughters because the Almanac is such a treasure.  
—Red McCombs, McCombs Foundation 

An indispensable roadmap to the evolution of philanthropy. Just spectacular!  
—Rip Rapson, Kresge Foundation

This is the aspirational story of humanity living in a free society. When we unleash the human spirit we see beauty, creativity, and prosperity.  
—Randy and Ken Kendrick, Arizona Diamondbacks Foundation
It is the most worthwhile book I have ever received on this important subject.  
—Ken Davis, Ken Davis Foundation 

You had a great start to the year with the publication of the Almanac of American Philanthropy. Congratulations! 
—Emmett Carson, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

I’ve already turned to it twice to find answers!  
—Tim Delaney, National Council of Nonprofits

This unbelievable compilation is a treasure of information to be utilized as an educational and operational resource for years to come.  
—Charles Huston, Huston Foundation

No other book chronicles the extent to which private philanthropic action has changed the face of the country for the better.  
—Peter Lipsett, DonorsTrust

Well-researched and useful.  
—David Rubenstein, Carlyle Group
What an amazing compendium.  
—John Kramer, Institute for Justice

It is simply outstanding.  
—David Wills, National Christian Foundation

You’ve produced an immensely valuable resource for those of us who study generosity.  
—Hilary Davidson, University of Notre Dame 

Congratulations on a remarkable collection.  
—Bruno Manno, Walton Family Foundation 

One for the ages!  
—Kim Dennis, Searle Freedom Trust 

I actually think it would be an interesting book for my book club!  
—Judy Miller, Turner Family Foundations

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