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  • Sector Regulation

California DEI Mandates Ruled Unconstitutional

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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  • Health & Mental Health

How Philanthropy Can Support Solutions to America’s Complex Mental Health Crisis

by Madeline Fry Schultz
Health care professional helps a patient
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  • Philanthropic Freedom

The Freedom to Give Fuels American Generosity: How to Protect Charitable Giving

by Jack Salmon, Elise Westhoff
A father watches a video with his child
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  • Philanthropic Freedom

The Freedom to Give Fuels American Generosity: Growing Threats to Philanthropy

by Elise Westhoff, Jack Salmon
U.S. Capitol building
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  • Giving Trends

The Freedom to Give Fuels American Generosity: A Look at the Trends

by Elise Westhoff, Jack Salmon
Man and child volunteer to clean up community
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  • Announcements

Elise Westhoff: Sharing Some Personal News

by Elise Westhoff
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  • Donor-Advised Funds

How Donor-Advised Funds Support the Needs of Rural Communities

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Donor Privacy

Jack Salmon in Discourse: Philanthropy Under Attack

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Sector Regulation

Elizabeth McGuigan in RealClear Policy: Red Tape Strangles Charities

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Sector Regulation

The Charitable Act Encourages the Generosity that Strengthens U.S. Communities

by Jack Salmon
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  • Sector Regulation

Foundations on the Hill: What Does Rising Populism Mean for Philanthropy?

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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  • Strong Communities

Brandon Edwin Chrostowski: Offering a Second Chance Through the Culinary Arts

by Esther Larson