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Creation of the Broad Institute

Philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad put up $100 million in 2003 to start a new type of biomedical research center: One that seeks to revolutionize clinical medicine by building deep…

National Museum of African American History and Culture

…in his town. David Rubenstein loaned two documents signed by Abraham Lincoln: a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, and a copy of the 13th Amendment ending slavery. Philanthropy magazine,…

Donating to Science—Their Own!

…out government science funding. Betzig got so sick of the paper shuffling that he quit academic research, becoming a househusband for a while, then going to work at his dad’s…

Lenfest Institute for Journalism

…executive director of their nonprofit trust says the philanthropic support will subsidize “a test lab for local news innovation.” Lenfest Institute for Journalism, Philanthropy magazine “Interview with Gerry Lenfest“…

Reproducibility Project

…of the research that produces pharmaceutical drugs. This single-handed work by the Arnolds helped convince a majority of scientists themselves that current research is plagued with biases and “reproducibility” flaws….

Oseola McCarty preview

Oseola McCarty

…its own pleasure. When a journalist from People magazine asked her why she didn’t spend the money she’d saved on herself, she answered with a smile that thanks to the…

J. Howard Pew

…actively evangelical and the largest seminary in the Northeast. He contributed $150,000 to launch Christianity Today magazine. He supported Billy Graham’s ministry, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the International…

Lynde and Harry Bradley preview

Lynde and Harry Bradley

…establish a partnership that guided Allen-Bradley through its growth years. Lynde was quiet, retiring, and austere, a man who preferred to tinker in his labs and workrooms; he handled research

Robert Smith preview

Robert Smith

…whose board Smith chaired from 1981 to 1985, they made major gifts for plant science and agricultural genetics research, and for expanding interdisciplinary research among those disciplines and animal sciences,…

Alfred Loomis preview

Alfred Loomis

…behavior, electromagnetic spectrum research, and precise measurement of time. Within a year the Loomis Radiation Laboratory had completed basic research, achieved breakthroughs in making radio-detection practical, and created a working…

David Packard preview

David Packard

…under Fred Terman, a relentless innovator whose research on vacuum tubes, circuits, and radios helped establish the field of electrical engineering. Under Terman’s mentorship, Packard dropped basketball and track (but…

Remembering Leon Levine preview

Remembering Leon Levine

…Over time the Levine Foundation’s grantmaking expanded to include health care and medical research, human services, religion and museums. In the recession years of 2008 and 2009, the foundation gave…