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Earning a Living the Gig Economy Way: Threats and Opportunities

Earning a Living the Gig Economy Way: Threats and Opportunities

  • Iain Murray, Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • Jonathan Wolfson, Cicero Institute
  • Patrick Tuohey, Better Cities Project
  • Debi Ghate, Philanthropy Roundtable

Event Overview

May 5, 2021 All day

Uber, Instacart, Task Rabbit, and so on. The gig economy has become an essential way for many Americans to earn the extra dollars needed to keep their families housed, clothed and fed during these challenging economic times. For others, it’s become their full-time employment—putting together the right options for them, allowing them to combine flexibility, creativity and productivity.

Join us to hear about why the gig economy is working so well, what the latest threats are to its continued existence, and what devastating impacts there would be in curtailing it. Our speakers are all working to ensure that this new way of earning a living remains an option for those who need it most.