Design Swatches

The buttons on these pages are divided into an inner and outer zone. The button should be treated as a whole with these two zones treated as one.

Bill Daniels

White Background

background: #FFFFFF
divider: #0075F2
h2: #0B272D
text: #0B272D

button background: #0075F2
button diamond: #FFFFFF
button text: #FFFFFF

hover button background: #0B272D
hover button diamond: #FFFFFF
hover button text: #FFFFFF

Darkest Navy Background

background: #0B272D
divider: #0075F2
text: #FFFFFF

button background: #0075F2
button diamond: #FFFFFF
button text: #FFFFFF

hover button background: #FFFFFF
hover button diamond: #0B272D
hover button text: #0B272D

Darkest Navy Background

background: #0F4059
divider: #F7EEE7
text: #FFFFFF

button background: #F7EEE7
button diamond: #FFFFFF
button text: #FFFFFF

hover button background: #FFFFFF
hover button diamond: #0F4059
hover button text: #0F4059

James Duke

Darkest Navy Background

background: #0075F2
divider: #DD2476
text: #FFFFFF

button background: #DD2476
button diamond: #FFFFFF
button text: #FFFFFF

hover button background: #FFFFFF
hover button diamond: #0F4059
hover button text: #0F4059