sovereign state in western Asia

National Security Philanthropy

Take an overseas tour with a one-of-a-kind nonprofit that uses charitable micro efforts to blunt foreign threats

Briefly Noted

SPLC on the warpath. The truth on foreign aid. Getting bluegrass in the black. Making Americans. An Oscar for humanitarianism.

Founding Funders

The story of how American philanthropy built a Jewish homeland.

Winter 2016 - Briefly Noted

A record gift to Catholic schools. Paul Allen continues to battle Ebola. Knights rescue the oppressed.

Higher Ed, Lower Costs

An e-learning entrepreneur brings cut-rate practical degrees to far-flung corners of the world

Champion Givers

A 15-year update on the winners of the William E. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership

Interview with Howard Dahl

The founder of Amity Technology discusses his giving to rehabilitate the former Soviet Union and assesses Ukraine

Nonprofit Spotlight

Now in its thirteenth year, Birthright is coming of age