largest Christian Church, made up of 24 autonomous Churches in communion with the Pope

Interview with Sandy Weill

A king of capital on founding a high-school internship program, building a medical school in Qatar, and rescuing Carnegie Hall

More Than Just Academics

Catholic schools have power and potential beyond book learning

Stronger Together

Donors are increasingly using expert intermediaries to bundle and target their giving

Micro Lending, Major Impact

How the maker of SweetTARTS is combining friendship and capital in one tangy dose

A Tribute to Life

With major support from Tad Taube, the Polin Museum honors a millennium of Jewish history

Campus Crusades

Philanthropically supported groups helping students grow in their faith are embraced by participants, but also face threats

Champion Givers

A 15-year update on the winners of the William E. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership

Briefly Noted

Schools need better teaching, not more money: Bill Gates. Celebrity philanthropy fizz. Bureaucracy-ridden sluggards.

Giving It All

Alan Barnhart and his brother Eric owned a $250 million company. Owned. Past tense. Because they gave it away.

Winter 2014 - Briefly Noted

Giving for the religious. A Black Friday for donors. A Grinch-like plan for parks. The cost of a tax change. Medical marvels.

Summer 2013 - Briefly Noted

Conservative studies at the "Berkeley of the Rockies," the efficacy of child sponsorship, and more

They Shall Overcome

Meet the K 12 reform donors who strategically balance charitable giving, legislative advocacy, and direct political engagement.

Lessons in Citizenship

American students are increasingly ignorant of American civics. Donors are working to revive appreciation of founding principles

Beware of Blind Spots

An open letter to the Ford Foundation on inequality.

Fall 2013 - Briefly Noted

Ethics from Singer. Giving tips from Buffett. Billions from Christians. Careers for the homeless.