Romance language

Two Titans, Two Temples

The Morgan Library and Frick Collection were given to the nation by men who didn t do anything by half measures.

Natural Advantages

Why philanthropy is often the best choice for solving public problems.

Winter 2019 - Briefly Noted

The connection between generosity and religion. Gem of a donation. America s only Jewish crisis pregnancy center. The biggest mortar and pestle in the Western hemisphere.

Lending a Hand

How Dale Dawson is helping rebuild Rwanda, one small loan at a time

Art and Culture

Notable contributions to art and culture from the Philanthropy Hall of Fame

Lending a Hand to Classical Music

The Cliburn piano competition uses grassroots contributions from thousands of volunteers to elevate an elite art form

Interview with Adrienne Arsht

The much-discouraged $30 million grant that changed a city, the case for naming gifts, art and resilience.

Modern Missionaries

A Jewish philanthropist. His Christian college roommate. Healing for many.

Summer 2017 - Briefly Noted

Home life and scholastic success. A baseball all-star gives back. Children and animals on Noah's Ark. BYU student animators.

Bad Donors, Good Results

Human kindness and charitable success aren't necessarily linked. That's one of the paradoxes of philanthropy.

A Tribute to Life

With major support from Tad Taube, the Polin Museum honors a millennium of Jewish history

Campus Crusades

Philanthropically supported groups helping students grow in their faith are embraced by participants, but also face threats

Lessons in Citizenship

American students are increasingly ignorant of American civics. Donors are working to revive appreciation of founding principles