borough of New York City, New York, United States

Rapid Response

A venerable Ohio nonprofit quickly patched the mask shortage for major hospitals

Michael Bloomberg as a Fixer

Could he become as effective as a donor as he was as businessman and mayor?

Religious Recovery

A church in Brooklyn that is desperately poor of money, but rich in faith, is changing addicts' lives

Mr. Unreasonable

Eli Broad on medical research; modern art; K 12 education; and his new book, The Art of Being Unreasonable

Winter 2013 - Books in Brief

Reviews of new books on civil liberties on campus, how children succeed, R. J. and Katharine Reynolds, and social justice

Beating the Blues

The Jazz Foundation cares for musicians in trouble, who in turn keep a heritage alive

What's in a Name?

The delicate dance behind some of today s largest gifts

Bad Donors, Good Results

Human kindness and charitable success aren't necessarily linked. That's one of the paradoxes of philanthropy.

Winter 2017 - Blue-Collar Banking

Against governmental opposition, early Americans created savings vehicles to boost the working class

The Educators

Bruce and Suzie Kovner give to schoolchildren, music students, and policymaking. Here's how and why.

Interview with Sandy Weill

A king of capital on founding a high-school internship program, building a medical school in Qatar, and rescuing Carnegie Hall

Giving Made Easy

Donor-advised funds are bringing new convenience to philanthropy

Spring 2013 - Books in Brief

Reviews of new books on why philanthropy matters, conscious capitalism, school leadership, and creating a charter school.

Fall 2013 - Briefly Noted

Ethics from Singer. Giving tips from Buffett. Billions from Christians. Careers for the homeless.